Abnormal Psychology (17th Edition)
by Jill M. Hooley, James N. Butcher, Matthew K. Nock, Susan M Mineka
Category: Book
Binding: Hardcover
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Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 43
Results Abnormal Psychology (17th Edition)
Abnormal Psychology Books a la Carte 17th Edition ~ The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology now with DSM5 coverage throughout The esteemed author team of Jim Butcher Jill Hooley and Sue Mineka offers students the most thoroughly researched engaging and uptodate explanation of psychopathology creating a learning experience that provokes thought and increases awareness
Revel for Abnormal Psychology Access Card 17th Edition ~ A comprehensive overview of abnormal psychology with DSM5 coverage throughout REVEL™ for Abnormal Psychology provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the primary psychological disorders studied within the discipline Maintaining a focus on the individuals at the heart of the study of abnormal psychology the authors employ a biopsychosocial approach that helps students achieve
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